I've taken Riley swimming twice now with some friends that I met from our childbirth class that Tyler and I took while I was pregnant. We were in the pool on Thursday playing with our babies and chit chatting when I noticed that Riley had fallen asleep in my arms! The other girls and I started laughing because it truly was comical to see Riley sound asleep with her little arm up next to her head, as if she were sleeping cozy in her bassinet. She was either extremely bored with our conversation or she was reverting back to her days in the womb. Either way, it was pretty funny. If you look closely you can see her asleep in my arms (she's the one in the yellow bathing suit in the middle).

Second funny thing that happened just last night...
After dinner last night Tyler changed Riley's diaper then took her in the car to pick up a movie for us. While they were gone I kept thinking how nice it was to be able to relax and have a few moments to myself, knowing she was in good hands. When they got home Tyler handed Riley to me and mentioned that she seemed really sweaty and maybe had a wet diaper again. I laid her down on the changing table, started unbuttoning her pajamas and quickly realized that she seemed "sweaty" because she was not wearing a diaper! Somehow it had slipped Tyler's mind to put a new diaper on her after he took the dirty one off! We both laughed so hard we thought we too were going to pee our pants! Poor thing, she was just laying there happy as can be in her urine-soaked pajamas while we had a great laugh. Next time Dad is in charge I'm thinking I might need to do a double-check...
oh, the swimming sounds so great! we can't wait to take Evan. and we were laughing pretty hard over here about Riley being "sweaty", too. that is a hilarious story!
Oh my gosh, that is too funny, you need to write that sweaty one down!
Laurie and Alan :)
is tyler pregnant? that sounds like something i would do... baby on the brain and whatnot ;) ha ha ha great stories. can't wait to see riles in a couple days!
That's great! A story that will be told when she's an adult I'm sure!
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