Friday, July 11, 2008

Ten on Ten (7/10)

a quick recap of my day yesterday:

awake, changing a diaper - feeding doc - reading on the patio in the sun while riley naps!!!! - taking laundry off the line - feeding riley nectarines for lunch - ice cream sandwich while running a few errands - walk - waiting to pick up car from oil change - feeding riley - date night with tyler


Aa, A, K & M said...

i've been meaning to comment on one of these 10 on 10 posts...i love these! fun to see the pictures throughout the day. i might have to give it a try! by the way, did you make the nectarines? if so, do you steam them, then puree or just mash them up? i had to return super baby food to the library. i'm going to order one but just haven't done it yet!

Jenny said...

the wine & beer look amazing...