A Sunday afternoon visit from Auntie Claire from Seattle

Riley's new word of late is "baby". She loves to kiss and carry her around - what a good mommy!

Reading with Asa - Riley's friend that we watch 2x/week

And then finally, Riley's first trip to the dentist. She did great, although still screamed when the dentist looked in her mouth. But in her defense, she is cutting several molars right now (and the dentist confirmed this!), so otherwise it was a good visit. Especially when she got to choose a sticker, toy and was given a new toothbrush.

That is all for now. More pictures later, I'm sure, after our visit from Martha & Henry today...we can't wait to see them and have them spend the night.
I wish you all a happy week welcoming spring - here's to more sun and beautiful flowers!
riley looks so grown up and pretty in that last pic! and i totally forgot to snap a pic of auntie flaire and wes last week for the blog :( glad you thought to do it at least! have fun w/ M&H today!
these photos from the week are so great. i especially love that last one of riley coming from the dentist. we have yet to take evan to get his teeth checked out...i'm sure it will be an event when we do!
have a wonderful time with martha and henry!
What a poser! I love the last pic! Hopefully we will see you guys in the next few days!
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