i skimmed through the first section of the book, but am reading word for word the "feeding your toddler" chapter and am devouring it. it is wonderful and has great sensitive and practical advice regarding food and mealtimes. thanks erin! please check it out if you want to know how to better approach mealtimes and avoid power struggles. secondly, i picked up "the happiest toddler on the block" by harvey karp.

i have only just begun to look through this book, but know i will like it, as i read his "happiest baby on the block" book and found all his advice practical and very helpful. i felt like i came to my wits end yesterday as i came off a hard week of riley being sick, clingy and not getting any real break. it's amazing how parenting riley is so different now. she has several tantrums a day and i'm just not used to it. i miss her sweet, content and happy self! i know we are just in a phase and she is learning and growing so much right now - i'm just looking forward to some sound advice and tips to help me through it! i know she senses my stress regarding my brother's situation, which doesn't help and adds to the "don't ever put me down, not even for one second" attitude i'm getting from her. we will somehow survive!
this weekend we were able to start on our bathroom remodel as well. tyler spent most of the weekend stripping the wallpaper in the bathroom so we can prep and paint it before the big remodel next weekend. here are a few shots:

riley watching daddy work away:

have a happy week and more on the bathroom remodel as it comes along!
thanks for the book recommendations! i've been re-reading happiest baby on the block in preparation for miles' arrival. i really appreciate your perspective, elizabeth, on the phases our babes go through...they won't last forever! so excited for you guys with the bathroom remodel!! your weekend at home sounds so nice. xoxo.
I am so excited for your new bathroom! Can't wait to see the finished product!
I'm also reading happiest toddler on the block. How funny!
cora loves toothbrushes too and will not let go! That is so funny! we have HTOTB in video format coming on netflix this weekend. can't wait!! cora and I had a great trip to Chicago and she actually stopped having tantrums while there. now, when i tell her no, she looks at me, abandons her vice and finds the nearest thing to mouth. she'll like the dishwasher, your pants, doesn't matter. "see what you made me do!?!" she responds with her mouth. too funny. i miss you.
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