Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ten on Ten (6/10)

Another ten on ten photo project day...I was excited as I missed last month. It was a nice day - pretty laid back and lots of time spent at home, due to Riley's nearly 3 hour nap! We did manage to get out in the afternoon for a few errands and then to take Doc for a walk. Hope you all had a great day and be sure to check out the other photo projects on the Ten on Ten link on the side.


Kristen Gough said...

looks like a great day! i loved your set this month, elizabeth. especially the photo of riley in her crib. she is so adorable!

Aleah said...

Love the 3 hour naps...most of the time!

It was fun seeing your day!

angela said...

the vegetable pic and the one of Riley in the crib are my favorites. the veggie one reminds me of PULL OF THE MOON...you know what I mean...and Riley is just beyond words. what a doll. give her lots of love from La La. miss you my friend!