Thursday, May 6, 2010

pink flamingos

yesterday morning i opened the door a few minutes before 6am to head to the gym, and much to my surprise there were 50 pink plastic flamingos on my front lawn! at first glance i thought it must've been a joke, then i thought an advertisement of some sort...i had no clue what was going on. i didn't have time to investigate so i hurried to the gym smiling the whole way! when i came home tyler was up and had seen the front lawn and we grabbed the binder off our front porch...this local organization was behind it and our friends bret & leah were the ones who paid to have our front lawn "flocked". check out pictures of their lawn here.

a group of women started this organization 10 years ago to raise awareness and funds for cancer. it made my day to see pink flamingos in my lawn all day. and riley? she was in love. a bit tentative at first and it was pretty cold when she woke and we showed her...but when we left the house mid-morning she had to kiss every one of them goodbye and told me later that she didn't want the "ma-fingos" to go away. even though she can say flamingos, every time it came out of her mouth it was "ma-fingo". i made her say it all day long. i was a bit sad when the women came by this afternoon to take them away. they really are a funny sight and obviously an extremely worthy cause to support. we were giggling all last night about the fact that we donated money to have the young's lawn decorated this morning. hope they like it as much as we did!